четверг, 13 июня 2013 г.

The phone ran at 12 at night...

On the phone woman with trembling voice said отошла пробка and asked what should be done. Tanya thinking that it could be miscarriage offered to call ambulance. Tanya asked her how long she is in term.38 weeks pregnancy, she answered. But that is birthing. Woman said she wants to leave the baby in hospital. Nobody knows about her pregnancy. Her grandfather is sick and she is no ready for the baby. Tanya said to her, that decision to abandon baby is not as easy as she think and the life of her grandfather isn't more valuable than the life of her baby. And from our experience we saw many times that hearts of the mother and the boy friend when they see the baby could be opened to the little one.
We as the center could help her with baby clothes and stroller and dippers. She hang the phone. At 6 in the morning she called again, saying that she gave birth to the boy and she remembered that Tanya mentioned the help for the baby and she needs help. Tanya went to the office of the center, gather all the newborn would need, bought food for the mother and went to the birthing hospital. The baby laid  in the baby cube on the rubber cloth covered with the peace of the blanket without any clothes. Together they cleaned the baby, put the dipper, dressed him in new baby outfit and put him on the back. Baby made the sigh of relieve and fell asleep. Katya (the name of the woman)said, that after she called ambulance  mother and the boyfriend became aware of her pregnancy . Her mother planed to bring a blanket and the boyfriend decided to get involved to be a father.

Latter when Tanya called and offered her baby stroller, she thanked her and said that now they can handle baby themselves.  

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