четверг, 25 августа 2016 г.

Training "The Power of Change" on Tuesdays!


Time - this is something from which it is made life. 
You can always make more money, but you can't create one more moment of life. Take time to rest, to pleasure, to your family. Do not let a single moment on the wind. 


"The average person is concerned, how would it kill time, a talented person seeks time to use."
For advanced planning, we need:
1. Diary
2. Scheduler
3. Planning Calendar

пятница, 12 августа 2016 г.


New training power of change

The man who continually learns, develops, positive thinking is bound to become a professional!

Amateurs training until they start doing the right thing. Professionals training as long as they will not be able to do wrong!

The power of change. What is it?
1. In the determination of the position:
- Its good, where I am
2. Adherence to the principles:
- Change begins from me.
- Change myself, I change the world around me.
- I am responsible.
3. Be goal-oriented:
- Do not be forever busy, and be more effictive

The criterion of justice - God gave everyone 24 hours a day!

Goal setting. How to set a goal?

According to various studies only 1% of the population wrote goals on paper, and plan how to achieve.
At Yale University conducted a case study with graduates of 1953 - 1974 gg how goal setting affects people's lives.
Graduates were asked to answer three questions: Do you have any goals? Did you write down your goals on paper? And whether you have filled in the plan how to achieve those goals?

Only 3% recorded the goals and write a plan for how to achieve them. 13% had goals, but they were not recorded. The remaining 84% said that they do not have goals that they are going to live simply, with no goals..
After 20 years we interviewed again these graduates, and found that revenues of 13% accounted for twice as much than the other 84%, but the most amazing thing happened at 3%, which have written down goals and write plan how to reach the goal, so their revenues amounted to ten times more than the totality of all the others combined.

It is necessary to set specific, time-bound goals and strive to reach them. You also need to consider the fact that the meaning of the goals is not to get something. But about who we are on the way to our goals!

четверг, 11 августа 2016 г.

Celebration in honor of Children's Day

Doing good and do good works does not require from human ANY KIND supernatural force or great talent. You just need to not be indifferent to other people's problems and difficulties. Or just do not pass by, as did the "Good Samaritan", the parable of the Good Samaritan in the New Testament.
Kindness - a call of the soul, when you just can not act differently, but to help your friend or acquaintance, or a stranger, who was in a difficult situation.
Pregnancy Assistance Center  at some point opened its doors to pregnant women and women with small children, who were forced to leave their cities, to leave their homes, their work, and all that were expensive and valuable to them, in fact part of their life. Today these children and mothers cheerful mood, a lot of laughter and joy. And when you can bring joy, you  become warmer and more joyful. So it turns out the cycle of goodness in the world.

"I sincerely thank you for baby gifts" Samaritan's Purse ", which were received by my children. Let the joy of the children, whose families were forced to leave their cities, to leave their homes will be for you an inspiration for further work ".
Sincerely Kosukhin's family

"Thank you so much and heartfelt thanks to your center and to all the staff for a wonderful holiday for the good mood of warmth. Thank you for the gifts "Samaritan's Purse", which were received by my children. Every meeting with your team brings a lot of positive emotions and changing me from the inside. "
Sincerely Kourosh's family


Monday - the first day of the week, the first day of working days. Monday - it is always the beginning. We tend to wait for the beginning of the week, months, year to make a fresh start. 

"Happy Mondays" - a three exciting start of the meeting, which will immerse young mothers in a special world of childhood.
We all come from childhood, and childhood - it is a fabulous time, a time of fun and games, a time of happiness. What we have been dreaming about? What Our Children Dream About?
Older children dream that we played hide and seek with them, to build a garage for the cars of the "Lego", ride on roller skates. And the youngest want us to play ... clapping.
The child grows - and help get finger and signed games - little stories in verse form shown via fingers and palms toddler.
Unpretentious poems, mother's attention, a smile and a gentle touch to the hands - what could be nicer for the baby? Naughty poetry and believes based awaken children's imagination and creative initiative of the child. And the benefits of finger games for language development probably all parent know. It's no wonder known teacher V. Sukhomlinsky said that "the mind of a child is at his fingertips."
During the group work at the training were "created" two children's educational center "Rubik's Cube" and "Rostok (Sprout)", which remarkably coped with the creative task to shift the original text  on fingers. All moms are creative, there are no uncreative moms!!!

All of us - in the past were children. And we had experience the beneficial effects of good words to us, and the evil words of anger and irritation. And everyone knows that feeling of uncertainty after accusations or elation after the words spoken out of love.
Our words - this is the strongest weapon against ourselves and those whom we love the most. Words can hurt and change the fate of the child. However, spoken words of support to the child can give him confidence and strength to cope with any challenges and difficulties.
Negative words spoken to the child entails:
• low self-esteem;
• loneliness;
• mistrust towards others;
• alienation;
• disobedience to attract attention;
• rudeness and disrespect;
• feeling that he disliked;
Delibarate words, full of love and kindness, teach the child:
• be in love;
• appreciate;
• Respect;
• obey;
• The child knows that she/he is not alone, she/he is beloved

H A N D I W O R K   ON  H A P P Y   M O N D A Y S

Loving mother "Happy Mondays" have decided to give their children the Easter rabbit made with their own hands, as much from an ordinary children's socks, and a pair of wheat colored velvet ribbons!
In the children's perception of the long-eared these colorful beauties look truly fabulous.

The dolls are made by hand mothers, without the use of the sewing machine, made of natural materials - cotton jersey on the type of velor and warm fleece.
Ductile and malleable of toy develops fine motor skills, allows baby modeling doll by using physical postures and emotional reactions of real people.
Not so easy to leave a toy: it is soft, comfortable, warm even seem to want to squeeze her, pressed against the cheek, to sleep with her.
Each doll is unique as it is the creator and owner. What can compare with a doll that Mom made with her hands, putting her love and tenderness. Babies sleep with a doll will be strong and calm.

How to set boundaries to children with love and respect

Continuing Training on parenting:
"How with love and respect set the boundaries to a little child?".
"How to raise a child's personality independent, outstanding, single-minded and simply integrated? With two sons and six to ten years, I have regularly looking for different information on the subject. During the training, I want to learn new methods of education of children (especially boys) to be more favorable to the older child. "
(Julia. V.)
All parents and educators know that a child best learns to "someone else's example." First and foremost in this example are the parents themselves. That is, if the father giving his son some instructions, and himself in a similar situation comes opposite, then no matter how much the baby is not abused, he will always have the desire to do as a father. There is a conflict in the education - the discrepancy in required and valid. And this discrepancy will give rise to misunderstanding and resistance. It can be concluded from all this: children are born not only so we could brought them up, but also t
o ensure that they raised us and helped us to change.

L A S T  D A Y  O F  T R A I N I N G 

 After graduation two women group of 23 people shared their opinions about the training.
Mom called the positive points in the group: condusive environment, study of different situations, good mood, pleasant communication, kindness and attention, the opportunity to get experience, emotional and warm attitude towards each other, coordination of work in a team.
For many useful topics were: Bank of feelings, the ability to clothe feelings into words and tell them the importance of praise and encouragement, how to set the boundaries of what anger is and how to deal with it properly.
Mothers evaluated the method and style of teaching coach: calm, clear, very attentive, use a personal example, always positive-minded, explains clearly.
The skills that captured the mother in the learning process: to restrain their emotions, to distinguish between the act of the child, to listen patiently and explain, to be kind and to be able to negotiate without shouting, the most able to ask for forgiveness.

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